Buyer’s Guide: Where to Buy Motorcycle Gear Online

If you’re new to motorcycle riding, picking out your riding gear is the most fun you’ll have apart from buying your first bike.  The only problem is figuring out the who, what and where.  I distinctly remember how clueless I felt when it came time for me to buy my first batch of gear.  Hopefully I can shed some light on the subject for you and help point you in the right direction.

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Glove Reviews: Joe Rocket GPX 2.0, Joe Rocket Speedmaster 7.0 and Icon TiMax Original

I notice a lot of new riders don’t wear gloves… and I cringe.  If you think about everything your hands do for you and how different your life would be if they didn’t work right, it’s best to spend a little dough and protect them while you’re riding.  I’m not quite the gear hoarder that some of my friends are so I can’t possibly review every glove out there, but I have used a few gloves the past few years that are still currently available:  Joe Rocket GPX 2.0, Joe Rocket Speedmaster 7 and Icon TiMax (original).   I thought I’d pass on some information about them in case you happened to be considering these particular gloves for purchase.

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