Angi the Biker Chick

Friday, July 14, 2006
  As promised...
Pictures!!!! From my 800 mile trip.

Here they are...

In 1990, Sea Elephants started inhabiting the beaches near San Simeon. The come here to molt, feed, have thier pups, and sleep. Mostly to sleep. Fences warn to stay at least 50 feet away. The whole beach looks like this, big mounds of seals, and seals half buried by the sand.

We have been spotted!

I think we are being watched!

This is the view from the pier that was used to ship in all the materials for Hearst Castle. The castle is amazing, and even more so considering they only had horse and carriage to haul all the materials from the ship to the building site on top of the hill.

This is the Morro Bay rock. Wait, let me put the size of this "rock" in perspective for you...

See Mr. Trailer at the bottom?

Last stop was to see the Ostrich Farm.

The brown ones are female, and the black are male.

There were also Emu's on this farm. They are evil, prehistoric looking birds with sharp, pointed beaks and dark red eyes.

And for the parting picture, the view from the look-out point just past Solvang going East on the 246.

the seal picture is great! all of them just flopped on the sand looking lazy.

my jaw dropped when i realized the size of that rock! the clouds hovering around it make it look really ominous.
This was the rock that I couldn't see when we were riding up the coast as it was so foggy. There are signs posted everywhere forbidding climbing on the rock.
Love those sea elephants - I was lucky enough to walk amongst seals at a beach on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. They were much smaller though and not nearly as dangerous - although we were told to be on our guard.

Great pix, Angi!!
Nice pix Angi! Been to all those place but unfortunately not on my bike. That Ostrich farm is hilarious... I never realized how big and fast those suckers are.
great pics! its so scenic out there in the west!
beautiful pictures..

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