Angi the Biker Chick

Wednesday, February 22, 2006
While I absolutly love my new(er) bike, there has been a few things I have had to get use to.

1. Quiet pipes. My Kawasaki had Jardin pipes and while not brain ratteling loud, they did have some rumble to them. I am trying to save up for new pipes. ( about $400!)

2. Turn signal light. My Kawasaki had a light for either direction, the Honda only has a light to let you know that your turn signal is on, and doesn't indicate which direction.

3. Highway bars. These I love having. I can just kick up my feet and cruise. I do need to put on some highway pegs.

4. Chain vs. belt. This I hate. I loved having a belt drive, no maintainence. Just had the mechanic look at it every check-up. I now have a chain and hate it.

So while I am very in love with my new bike (yet to be named), the only thing I would love to change is the drive. I was told that a chain needs to be lubed every so often, but neglected to really find out how often is often. So I have now gone 2000 miles without a lube. I know, very bad and dangerous. So I now need to figure out how to lube my chain on my own. Any suggenstions?
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