Mean Streets

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Now that Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger has been hurt in a motorcycle accident it gives everyone the right to comment on motorcycles in general. I have been watching ESPN today and the reporters are all saying how stupid it is. They can't understand why anyone let alone a football player making millions a year would do it. Some have suggested that the NFL should not allow any players to ride. These reporters have no education on motorcycles and should not be giving their opinion on something they know nothing about. Sure they know about football, but nothing about motorcycles.

The simple fact is that if Roethlisberger had been wearing a full face helmet, he most likely would have had little injury. They report that he was not wearing any helmet, but they do not state this simple fact!

I know there is some risk involved in riding, I'm not stupid. Most everyone I know who doesn't ride likes to tell me stories. Its always starts with "My brothers friend... or My fifth cousin...". Then they tell me how they were hurt, paralyzed or killed on a motorcycle. This happens to me at least once a week. They even like telling me about random events involving a bike. My supervisor at work told me about a Police chase she saw on the news involving a bike. I found out a about Roethlisberger this way. A girl at work told me, but she didn't discuss it with anyone else.

My favorite is when complete strangers tell me these stories. I was getting fast food, had my helmet with me, and the girl taking my order feels she has to tell me about her friend. He "fell off his bike on the 405 at 3am, got up and was hit by a car." I said to her oh I'm sorry, but what I really wanted to say was I don't want to hear about it. And by the way how did he "fall off the bike on the 405?"

So it would be nice if once in a while someone tells me a good story. How much their brother... Enjoys riding. I know there are people who love motorcycle riding but no non-rider ever tells me those stories.

Be careful everyone... And wear a full face helmet!!
Maybe each time someone tells you that story, you should tell them about this car accident where this person got killed and how dangerous it is to drive a car, and they really should walk everywhere. Saves the environment too.
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Name: Jim
Location: Los Angeles, CA

I'm laid back. I enjoy riding and spending time with friends.

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